इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट
  Salary Information Salary in India Salary by Company Salary By Job Title Salary By Degree Salary by Skills Salary Abroad Salary in UAE Salaries in Kuwait Immigration Placement Consultants Delhi Mumbai Bangalore Hyderabad Industrial Relations Industrial Relation System Trade Unions Collective Bargaining Strikes Employee Grievance Resources Performance Appraisal Payroll Management Training And Development Career Institutes India Career Development Resume Writing Head Hunting Interview Tips Search Salary Home › Salary in India › Indian Air Force Salary Indian Air Force Salary  “The Indian Air Force which is one of the three major wings of the ‘Indian Armed Forces’ (the other two being army and navy) was incorporated in 1932 on 8th October. The primary task of the IAF is to defend the Indian airspace. This article throw light on Indian Air Force salary. Scroll down for beautiful description their salary” The IAF has played a stellar role in defending the country against exte...
BRAHMOS Extended range (ER) missile successfully test fired
BRAHMOS Extended range (ER) missile successfully test fired BALASORE ODISA: Once again BRAHMOS has proved they have best missile in world at time. Brahmos a supersonic cruise missile in that have 3 time more speed to speed of sound . The range of brohmos has 290k with supersonic speed of 2.8 mach. The technology upgrade comes after india’s fully membership to “Missile Technology Control Regine” (MTCR) Which remove caps on range of BRAHMOS cruise missile. “with the successful test firing of BRAHMOS-ER , the Indian Armed Forces will be empowered to know down enemy target far beyond 400 kms . BRAHMOS has thus proved its power once again as the best supersonic cruise missile system in world. (Brahmos is a joint venture between DRDO of India and NPOM of Russia.)
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