Hal AMCA(Advance Medium combact Aircraft)
HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA),Fifth Generation fighter Aircraft,Indian Air force
TOPICS:FIfth Generation FighterHALIndian Airforce
Pawan pratap 03 september, 2017
HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA),Fifth Generation fighter Aircraft,Indian Air force
The HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) is an Indian Proposal for a fifth-generation fighter aircraft being developed and designed by India’s aeronautical Development Agency and to be manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
The Single seat,twin engine,stealth supermaneuverable all weather multirole fighter aircraft is designed for the air superiority,ground attack,bombing,intercepting and for other types of roles.It comprises the supercruise,stealth,AESA radar,manoeuvrability and advanced avionics to overcome and suppress previous generation fighter aircraft along with many ground and maritime defences.HAL AMCA would be the third supersonic jet of Indian origin after HAL Marut and HAL Tejas.
Five proposal were emerged for the design of the AMCA and the last one was finalised that was shown in 2012.The funding required for the AMCA project was approximately INR 9000 crore($2 billion US).Firstly 100 crore was funded for the design and remaining full funding for the research and development was approved by MoD in March 2015 along with the procurement of the first batch of 200 AMCA which includes 150 for Indian Air force and 50 for Indian Naval Air Arm.
The HAL AMCA will take its first flight in 2019 as expected.
HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA),Fifth Generation fighter Aircraft,Indian Air force
Design,Airframe and Flight control surfaces
The HAL AMCA integrated with special diamond shaped trapezoidal wings .The profile of wings with substantial area-ruling to reduce drag at transonic speeds,and an all-moving Canard-Vertical V-tail with large fuselage mounted Tail-wing.This is the general overview design of HAL AMCA.The flight control surface include leading and trailing edge flaps,ailerons,rudders on the canted vertical stablizers and all moving tailplanes,these surfaces also act as a Air Brakes.The cockpit is placed high,near the Air intakes and wings of the aircraft for the Good visibility for the Pilot.The aircraft features tricycle landing gear.
The weapons bay is placed on the underside of the fuselage between the nose and main landing gear.The small radar cross section will feature serpentine shaped air-intakes which reduces radar exposure and increase stealth,Internal weapons bay and the use of composites and other materials.Flight control surfaces are controlled by central management computer system.The AMCA also features In-Flight refuelling probe and leading edge root extension that is situated on front section of the intake and on wings.
The body or airframe is made of carbon-fibre composites and titanium alloy steels which makes the aircraft both lighter and stronger.It has relaxed static stability design and equipped with quadruplex digital fly-by-wire flight control system which increases the handling of aircraft.The control surface are Electro Hydraulically actuated and digitally controlled using fibre optic cables.The AMCA features advanced next-generation distributed digital flight control computer made by Aeronautical Development Establishment and highly evolved control laws for flight,propulsion,braking,nose wheel steer and fuel management.
Propulsion and Avionics
AMCA is a twin-engines aircraft which is powered by 2X GTRE k9 + or K 10 engine that can capable of producing 11-Kn-125Kn thrust each.The aircraft has a maximum take off weight is 29 tonnes:2 tonnes of internal weapons and 4 tonnes of internal fuel.It can achieve maximum speed of 2.5+ Mach (2665 + Km/h) at altitude and Mach 1.2 at sea level and have a cruise speed of Mach 1.6 at supercruise.The AMCA would have range of 2800 km and climb at the altitudes @ 13,716m/min.
The HAL AMCA has integrated with latest avionics suite which include AESA radar,Integrated avionics systems,Helmet Mounted Display,Datalink capabilities,IRST,E/O Targeting System (EOTS),Multi-functional integrated radio electronics system (MIRES),ECM Suite,Laser-based counter-measures against infrared missiles,IRST for airborne targets,Ultraviolet warning sensors and Targeting pod.
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